

  1. 答:全球化中的价值认同与价值观冲突
    摘要: 近代以来,全球化浪潮对人类的社会生活产生了极其深刻的影响。这种影响表现在价值 观上,就在于全球化一方面促成了全球范围内引人瞩目的价值认同,另一方面也在世界上引起 了普遍而激烈的价值观冲突。全球化中这一普遍而奇异的矛盾现象,本身就构成了全球化运
    关键词:普遍 全球化运动 价值观冲突 目的价值 价值认同 范围 社会生活 浪潮 世界 影响
    DOI: CNKI:SUN:ZXYJ.0.2002-11-004
    被引量: 301
    年份: 2002
  1. 答:写作思路:根据题目要求,可以以“经济全球化形势下中国未来发展方向”作为主题,先简略描述“经济全球化”这个概念,之后表达自己对“中国”和“经济全球化”的关系,并且在未来的时间里,会是一个什么走向,中国在全球化中能达到什么效果,正文:
  2. 答:全球化800字璧山中学高1的同学
  1. 答:全部手译,本人英语专业毕业,8级,希望你能喜欢
    Abstract: With the continuous economic development, globalization has e an inevitable result of the social development. After China's entry into WTO, its economic development has been envolved into the process of world business integration. This gives people more oppotunities to carry out various international coopertaioin munication mercial economy areas. For this reason, business english in such cooperation will play an important role as a bridge ing future. This paper describes the internal characteristics of business english and its significance in economic globalization, put forward its new tasks under the new economic situation in future.
    Keywords: business english, meaning, role, challenge, economic globalization, trade situation, trade area
  2. 答:Abstract: Grimm's Fairy and Andersen's Fairy Tales are the foundation stones in the world's fairy tales that laid a solid foundation for the later creation and development of fairy tales.One of them is the representative of folk fairy tales, and the other is the one of literary fairy tales. So there are differences in their many aspects. This paper contrasts and analyses them mainly according to their theme,language style and so on, and shows each character of them.
    Key words: Grimm, Andersen,folk fairy tales,literary fairy tales
  3. 答:Abstract: with the development of economy, globalization is the inevitable result of social development. After China's accession to the world anization, its economic development has been integrated into the global economic integration process. It gives people more opportunities in various fields in trade economy extensive international cooperation and exchanges. Business English in this cooperation plays a major role of bridge. This paper expounds the connotation characteristics and business English in the role of trade and economic globalization, puts forward the business English in the future new trade situation new task.
    Keywords: business English, connotation, function, challenge, economic globalization, trade situation and trade fields.
